Click that link and fill out the waiver ONLY ON THE DAY OF YOUR TOUR (if you fill it out ahead of time and you can’t find your waiver email as a result, you will have to fill it out again).
If you’d really like to fill out the waiver before the date of your tour, you’re welcome to, but please note we will ask to see your waiver confirmation email when you climb on board the bike. If you filled out the waiver 3 weeks prior, it is unlikely you’ll be able to find the email confirmation and you’ll have to fill it out again. We ask that you fill out the waiver on the day of your tour because 1. You’ll be able to find the email confirmation!, and 2. The information will be fresh.
Once everyone has boarded the bike and is situated, your BarHandler (driver) will announce it’s “waiver time”. We will go around the bar one by one to check completion. It’s super quick and each and every person needs to show your BarHandler 2 things:
1. The e-mail you received saying your waiver was successfully completed. Open this e-mail and show your BarHandler your phone. We will just be looking for your name on the e-mail.
TIP: If you don’t see the e-mail check your spam or junk folder. Once in a while customers report the e-mail going there, but after thousands of waivers we have never had a single case of an e-mail not going through.
2. Your license (so we can see your name matches the liability waiver).
Option 1: Just use a friend’s phone! You can send the waiver to any e-mail address. The key point for us is that you’ve filled out a waiver and the name on the waiver matches your ID. We do not necessarily care that the e-mail address used is yours – whatever e-mail you want to use is fine as long as you can access it while on the bike before the tour to show us you got the confirmation e-mail.
Option 2: Fill out the waiver on the day of the tour from a desktop computer and print out the confirmation e-mail that has your name on it and bring it with you.
Option 3: Fill out the waiver on the day of the tour and just send a screen dump of the confirmation e-mail with your name on it to a friend that does have a cellphone.
We do not do paper waivers anymore for several reasons.
1. We want you to start your tour on time. Electronic waivers have proven to be MUCH quicker because people weren’t filling out the paper waiver correctly and our BarHandlers were having to give back the paper waiver to complete missing portions, delaying the tour. With the electronic waivers, you can’t submit them until they are completely filled out.
2. Printing/Storing/Filing 500 waivers a day at times was a huge waste of paper and time, not to mention bad for the environment.
The person who books the tour is sent an e-mail with the link to the waiver. If the person who booked your tour didn’t send you a link – no worries; it’s quick to fill out and only takes 1-2 minutes; you can easily do it while you’re waiting to take off and others are getting their coolers situated, etc.